Sales Leader Fabrice De Windt (Proximus) about engaging your team and the scientification of sales | The Future of Sales Leadership Podcast
August 29, 2024

Sales Leader Fabrice De Windt (Proximus) about engaging your team and the scientification of sales | The Future of Sales Leadership Podcast

In The Future of Sales Leadership Podcast, we talk about the challenges of Sales Leaders and how other seasoned Sales Leaders prepare for them.

In this week's episode, we welcome Fabrice De Windt, who leads the One Tribe segment at telecom provider Proximus. One Tribe represents a portfolio of the most strategic and complex customers Proximus services. Next to that, he’s also responsible for taking the lead in implementing AI-driven strategies and tooling within the sales chapter.

In this episode, we talk about how you should be motivating and supporting your team, why breaking a promise can cost you greatly when selling services and how sales used to be an art, but today resembles more of a science.

Discover the whole episode now:

Charles Boutens
CEO & Founder
August 29, 2024