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Trusted by leaders of complex B2B sales teams

Our clients can't imagine life without uman anymore

We asked our clients what it was like before they used uman. And how life has improved since. See what they have to say.

without uman

  • "We're constantly reinventing the wheel"

    We're slowly searching ourselves to death”

    “I have to chase colleagues every day to find something”

    “I see outdated materials being used in proposals”

    “weekend work to make the deadline

    "Our SharePoint is a trashcan


with uman

  • “I find all information in a couple of clicks

    “Everyone knows which information is up-to-date

    “I can easily reuse the best parts from old presentations”

    “I no longer have to send mails to all or wait for answers”

    “I know what the firm knows about any topic”

    "We don't need to know where our content sits"
